Guys I was seriously thinking about skipping today, because I'm feeling terrible. But I like doing blogmas, which is why I'm still putting up this post, but don't expect anything amazing.
When I woke up this morning everything was fine. I slept great, I finally had more than two hours of sleep so I was happy about that. I got up, got dressed and had breakfast. And then of course it was time for my Benefit advent calender. Today I got the 'Stay don't stray' eyeshadow primer. I already have this in my make-up collection and I use it on a daily basis. It's not my absolute favorite. That honor belongs to the Urban Decay primer potion. I know I'm only on day 4 of this advent calender, but I'm really waiting for a new product. Everything that I got up until now I already own. Omg, I sound like such an ungrateful nag right now. I promise I'm not.

After that I put on the tv. I started watching 'The good wife' today. Anyone else watch this show. I'm really liking it so far. I'm only on episode 6, but so far so good. I really want to start watching new shows, but I don't really know what to look for. If you guys have any good suggestions you can always let me know in the comments section below.
Around 2 o'clock I started feeling miserable. This might be TMI so I apologize in advance. Turns out it's that time of the month for me again. I was a little surprised by that because it's not supposed to be until next week. I don't know how many other of you ladies suffer from this. And yes, I really would describe this as suffering. I get an extreme migraine, my legs feel like they weigh 200kg and I'm really nauseous. I'm litterly not able to move. I just spent the rest of my day in the couch trying to sleep a little. Ironically I read an article online today in which a doctor or professor -I can't remember exactly- suggested that women should be granted payed sick leave when they're on their period. As you can imagine I'm a total supporter of that idea. I took some pain meds now, so I'm feeling a little better.
I haven't eaten yet since having breakfast, so I don't think I will anymore 'cause it's quite late now. I'm going to shower and I'm going staight to bed after, because I have to be up for work at 5.
How are you guys liking blogmas so far? Please let me know in the comments below or find me on twitter @_MakeUpDiary_
Xoxo Nathalie
PS. Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin'