Today started off pretty exciting, because guess what I got in my Benefit advent calender today? That's right. I got the 'They're Real' mascara.
When I bought this calender , I got a sample size of this one already so I know I love it.
Seriously, when this mascara was launched there was so much hype about it and I was always just like 'Yeah whatever, it's a mascara. How great can it be?'. But I was wrong. Like seriously wrong.
I'm kinda sad I only tried it out now, because it really is one amazing mascara. The only thing that still bugs me about it is the price though. If I remember correctly it's €32 for the full size version. Now I don't really mind spending a little more on my make-up, but only if I think it's really worth it. I've said this before, but I think there are drugstore mascaras that are just as good.
Another exciting thing that happened today. I got accepted to Blogsociety.
If you don't know what Blogsociety is, then you're missing out. I would describe it as Bloglovin' meets Google Adsense.
Blogsociety have 3 kinds of membership. Gold, silver and bronze. You don't get to decide which one you want to be. You have to actually apply to the site and wait for them to review your blog. Once you're accepted into the community they will award you one of the memberships. I got awarded with the silver membership, which besides being featered on their wall allows me to participate in all kinds of workshops and events.
I'm most excited about this because it will help me improve my blog and I'll also get the chance to meet a bunch of other bloggers.
That's pretty much everything for today. I worked late again and I'm pretty tired by now. I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep tonight. I told you guys before that I suffer from insomnia, but lately it's been getting so much worse. This past month I haven't slept more than 2 hours a night. Combine that with working an 80h week and you'll get why I'm totally burnt out.
I honestly don't even know how I've been able to squeeze a little social life inbetween there. No movies to end my night today. I'm going straight to bed.
How was your day? Did anything exciting happen to you? Let me know on twitter @_MakeUpDiary_ or in the comments below
Night guys
Xoxo Nathalie
PS. Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin'
It's a wonderful mascara!
I totally agree
DeleteXoxo Nathalie
Awesome post!!! Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on both GFC and Bloglovin!
Thank you. I love your blog.
DeleteXoxo Nathalie